
Monday, July 23, 2012

It's never too late for Cherry Blossoms

I am going to start by *apologizing to my few followers...I have been seriously slacking lately. On a happy note I am finished with school FOREVER and am so happy to be able to spend my evenings and weekends doing things I love....instead of studying, writing papers, etc. So to kick off my {almost} new found freedom I decided to make a very special friend cupcakes for her 30th birthday. So I dusted off the ole mixer and put my thinking cap on trying to think of something new and different. Being that this birthday fell exactly 6 days before my final exam and I was super busy at work, I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to come up with a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious idea. I decided on a cherry blossom theme and went from there. Following this decision I didn't realize how long it would take to make my own gum paste. I should have known that in my haste this would turn out to be a terrible idea. I have learned to "improvise" when I bake sometimes and I later learned that when making gum paste from scratch, you have to be exact. Like really exact. So my gum paste, which for those of you who aren't familiar, should roll out almost like a dough....ended up more like just plain old gum. I added powdered sugar and a few other things that google came up with to make it work, but in the end it was a lost cause. I am not really one to give up...especially when I have perfectly edible cupcakes sitting next to me so I woke up early, ran to the store and got the pre-made gum paste. So.much.easier.

Next time I get a little overzealous I think I'll just eat all the cupcakes. 

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