
Friday, April 20, 2012

Master Suite on a Budget

If you have ever bought a home you probably know that nothing is ever perfect. There is always something you want to change, the paint colors are all wrong and in my case, the previous owner put the most hideous sticky linoleum tile in a place I spend a decent amount of bathroom. I could envision easy changes throughout the house but I could not figure out how to disguise this floor...other than multiple large bath mats.  And I still always got the feeling I was in a bad 80's kitchen. Finally, after a year and a half, it was time for a change. I found a contractor to do most of the work, but for a girl on a budget, I thought it would be best to demo the bathroom myself. No one ever told me how difficult this would be. 3 days later I had ruined all the molding I was supposed to salvage (thanks to 6+ coats of paint adhering it to the wall quite nicely) and I had shed blood on multiple occasions attempting to pull up the {very} sticky tiles. Then I consulted YouTube. The previous evening I had done this as well, but YouTube held out the good video, I think just to get a good laugh at my expense. Finally I had an answer, and it was so simple. A wet towel and a hot iron. Who knew that ironing your tiles would make them come up so easily. What took me 5 hours the night before took me about 20 minutes. I certainly learned my lesson. I was so happy that I did it all myself, albeit the fact that you stuck to the floor afterward. And when I say stuck, I mean it tore my socks off. My contractor shows up the next day to get started. Noting the stickiness, he poked around and realized there were two layers of plywood on the floor. He then proceeded to rip off the entire top layer of plywood and laughing, said "I hope you didn't spend too much time taking off the old floor because we could have just ripped it off with the plywood." Thanks...that's two evenings and a little blood  I will never get back. In the end it was all worth it because I had fallen in love, with a floor tile. 
It is called Daltile Fabrique- A floor tile with a linen look to it. 



No master suite is complete without the bedroom. 
Note to self: painting cathedral ceilings is not so easy for a girl that is only 4'11. 

{Bedroom - BEFORE}

{Bedroom -AFTER}

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